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I was talking with a dear friend about how life is a rush and sometimes it's a race you have to win, which creates much pressure and leads to the feeling that "every step we take is never enough".

I know how hard she works and how she's ambitious about reaching a high position and I believe in her so much.

we get into a debate as the following

- Do you like eating bananas?
= sure!
- Do you eat it when it's green and hard ? or do you wait for it?
= No sure I wait for it!
- So dear if you rush and eat a banana when it's green you will not enjoy its taste!

That's how life goes you can't rush too much to reach a great position dear, you will reach it already but you have to wait to enjoy your success and sometimes if it comes quickly and you take it, it won't be like what you imagine to have ! so don't push yourself to cross your mental limits! we all going to reach success at some point but be patient, please!

The moral of my post, please to everyone don't go hard on yourself, now or later you will reach your success peak just wait for it! don't worry it's a journey and we all have time to reach our station.

Please be patient and don't compare your success with others, keep your mental and physical health the priority, take care of yourself always .. Try a million ways, knock on a million doors, and every fail help you to get up and try again, believe me, we all have been through this.

My advice is, to reach the great success you need to take care of your health, eat well, exercise, help others, and study you can have study partners to encourage you and always have good friends whom you can share your goals with, and help each other.

Life is short don't waste it waiting for the right moment to enjoy, enjoy the journey with all of its good and bad things.

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